[7]Seymour Martin Lipset, American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword, W. W. Norton & Company, New York: 1996, p.18.
[9]Morin, Edgar, On Complexity, New York: Hampton Press, 2008, Preface.
[13]《馬克龍稱西方霸權(quán)已近末日 專家:有遠見的判斷》,人民網(wǎng),2019年10月11日,http://news.sina.com.cn/w/2019-10-11/doc-iicezuev1414642.shtml。
責 編/郭 丹
"Double Standards" in the West: Root Cause and Resolution
Wang Yiwei
Abstract: The West has been pursuing "double standards" in international politics in a stubborn and self-righteous manner, which has led to its decline. The Western "double standards" in the international public opinion has led to the continuous destruction of international rules. The "double standards" in the diplomatic practice of the West are divided by American allies and non-American allies. They often interfere in the internal affairs of other countries under the banner of "international society", carry out color revolution, and cause a turbulent international situation, especially in the Middle East where fairness and justice is advocated. The "double standards" in the West have different forms, but they all originate from the American Christian thinking and the colonial complex of Europe. They are manifested in the dualism of American allies and non-allies, or in a broader sense, the "Western centralism," reflecting the Western arrogance and hypocrisy.
Keywords: Western, double standard, dualism, Western Centrism